Our Services
- Renewable energies
Photovoltaic, wind and biomass power plants
- Energy Efficiency
Energy Audits, Combined Heat Power (CHP), Trigeneration, Quadrigeneration and Waste Heat Recovery systems
- Supply and Electrical connection
Electrical connection of CHP systems and Reneweable Energies stations to STEG network
- Environmental, Social and Health Impact Assessments
- Pollution studies
- Risk Assessment Studies (hazard study and fire safety study )
- Technical-economic studies
- Air quality management (Treatment of smoke, air and exhaust fumes)
- Waste management
- Water management
- Water purification
- Land use and Urban Planning
- Technical and economic feasibility studies of projects
- Markets studies
- Multidisciplinary support for companies
- Land management & assistance to change site purpose

Quality and Environment Management System
TESCO is certified ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015 by the certification body TÜV for all its activities! TESCO ensures compliance of its services to international standards

Technical and human multidisciplinary skills
TESCO mobilizes qualified experts and robust and innovative techniques.

Integration capacity of planning techniques and engineering
TESCO manages to integrate engineering services on the technical and managerial plans.

System of international partnership
TESCO has developed a network of internationally renowned partners.