Our Projects
Discover some of our projects in Energy, Environment & Sustainable Development, Water & Infrastructure and Consulting sectors.

Environment & Sustainable Development

EIA study of dredging works related to a terminal port
Environment Impact Assessment study of the dredging works related to Sabra terminal port:
The study has evaluated the impact of dredging works on the marine environment and proposed an environmental managing program to avoid and/ or mitigate negative impacts:
- Characterization of the initial state of Sabra Bay
- Assessment of the potential impacts of dredging
- Assessment of potential impacts related to the terminal
- Proposal of adequate mitigation measures to reduce potential negative impacts
- Environmental management program and environmental monitoring program
Beja Cement- Sabra Terminal Port- Solar Eco system Tunisia
EIA study of dredging works related to a terminal port

Environment & Sustainable Development

EHSIA studies of Tataouine Gas Project
Environmental, Health and Social Impact Assessment of:
- The Construction of a gas pipeline
- The Construction of Gas Treatment Plant
- The Construction of bottling unit
- Funding: FAD, ETAP
Entreprise Tunisienne des Activités Pétrolières (ETAP)
EHSIA studies of Tataouine Gas Project

Environment & Sustainable Development

ESHIA studies of PV and wind power plants
Environmental, Health and Social impact assessment of the following power plants:
- PV power plant (5 MW) in Sidi Bouzid
- PV power plant (5 MW) in Nefta
- Wind power plants (200 MW) in Beja, Bizerte, Mannouba, and Siliana
STEG Energies Renouvelables
ESHIA studies of PV and wind power plants


Feasibility study of a CHP system (6 MW)
Technical and economic feasibility study of a CHP system in a Milk and yogurt production plant
- 2 engines of 2 MW each in the milk production plant
- 1 engine of 2 MW in the yogurt production plant
- Thermal energy recovered for the production of hot water for the plant process
- Date of commissioning of the system : 2020
Support for the implementation of the project:
- Preparation of the specifications
- Assistance in the examination of offers
- Assistance in negotiating purchase and maintenance contracts
- Monitoring of works
- Monitoring of system performance tests
Délice Danone
Feasibility study of a CHP system (6 MW)


Technical and economic feasibility study of a cement plant
Technical and economic feasibility study of BEJA cement plant:
CThe choice of the cement plant location has been made basing on technical, economic and natural parameters. Several locations have been studied and Beja was chosen finally since it has shown great criteria to welcome the project.
Technical and economic feasibility study of a cement plant


Feasibility study of a WHR system (9 MW)
Technical and economic feasibility study of a Waste Heat Recovery system in a cement plant:
- 1 turbine of 9 MW
- Thermal energy source: Kiln preaheater gas at 400°Cand kiln cooler gas at 350°C
- Recovery of the kiln exhaust gases to produce superheated steam generating electricity via a turbo-generator
- Date of commissioning of the system : 2017
Jebel Oust Cement plant (CJO)
Feasibility study of a WHR system (9 MW)


Waste to Energy
Technical and economic feasibility study of the recovery of the biogas produced by the anaerobic biological wastewater treatment plant for the production of electricity and heat:
- Engine electrical power: 400 kW supplying the WWTP in priority
- Biogas produced : 4200 m3/day
- Therrmal power: 403 kW used to heat industrial wastewater before the anaerobic digestion process
- Date of commissioning of the system: 2017
Waste to Energy


Market study of Renewable Energies
Market study of the development of renewable energies markets in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean (SEMED) regions:
TESCO has developed on behalf of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) a study aiming at promoting the development of renewable energies markets in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean (SEMED) regions. Four countries were concerned by this study, namely Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia. TESCO has elaborated the study related to Tunisia.
The objectives of this study are:
- The identification of regulatory and institutional gaps representing barriers for the development of renewable energies markets
- Providing in the short and medium term an orientation leading to the improvement of these in the context of the national model and the goals to reach
- Presentation of the results of gaps analysis in order to encourage private investors to invest in renewable energies projects and deciders to adopt the best practices in SEMED regions
Market study of Renewable Energies

Water and Infrastructure

Technical study for the water sanitation of industrial zones in Tunisia
Technical study for the water sanitation of industrial zones in Tunisia:
Sfax, Enfidha Mokenine, Medjz El Bab, Bizerte, Monastir; in partnership with FICHTNER WT
Funding: KFW
Technical study for the water sanitation of industrial zones in Tunisia

Environment & Sustainable Development

ESHIA study of a power plant
Environmental and social impact assessment for the single-shaft combined cycle power plant of Sousse of 450 MW in accordance with the European Investment Bank (EIB):
- Analysis of the initial state of the implantation site
- Impact assessment
- Mitigation measures
- Environmental management program
- Monitoring program
Funding : European Investment Bank
ESHIA study of a power plant

Environment & Sustainable Development

Environmental Assessment guidelines
Environmental Assessment guidelines for the following sectors:
- Oil and gas onshore and offshore exploration and production activities
- Textile
- Agro-industry
- Chemistry
- Ceramic and Construction materials
- Tannery
And this within the framework of the project: Upgrade of the Tunisian Private companies to the environmental requirements:
- Presentation of the Branch
- Production and added-value
- Investments
- Environmental Problems
- Technological Safety and Risks
- Initiation on the GEP (Advantageous Environmental Management)
- Concept “Responsible Environment in the company”
- Check-list
- Economic Incentives
Funding: German Bank for Development (KFW)
Environmental Assessment guidelines

Environment & Sustainable Development

Risk Assessment & Safety Studies for a cement plant
Risk Assessment & Safety Studies for a cement plant:
- Identification of potential hazards inside and outside the site, in normal or degraded operating conditions
- Identification of the risks generated by the installations
- Evaluation of major accidents
- Define the emergency means in case of emergency; as well as their organization
- Obtaining authorization to operate as an establishment classified as dangerous, unhealthy or inconvenient
Carthage Cement
Risk Assessment & Safety Studies for a cement plant

Environment & Sustainable Development

EIA studies of Beja Cement Project
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Study of:
- The cement plant
- Limestone and clay quarries
- The Waste Heat Recovery system
- The Photovoltaic power plant
The studies have been elaborated in accordance with national standards.
Impacts have been assessed and measures have been listed to be adopted to avoid negative effects on the natural and human environment.
- Detailed geological study and mapping
- Hydrogeological study using electric tomography
- Aerial photography by drone for photogrammetry
Beja Cement- Sabra Terminal Port- Solar Eco system Tunisia
EIA studies of Beja Cement Project

Environment & Sustainable Development

ESHIA studies of Carthage Cement Projects
Environmental, Health and Social impact assessment of:
- the cement factory in accordance with the international requirements
- the quarries (Aggregate, marl and clay) over 220 ha
- the transport, unloading, storage and use of Pet-Coke in the Cement factory
Carthage Cement
ESHIA studies of Carthage Cement Projects


Feasibility study of a CHP system (3,36 MW)
Technical and economic feasibility study of a CHP system in a Pasta manufacturing plant:
- 1 engine of 3.36 MW
- Thermal energy recovered for the production of hot water at 80°C and steam for the plant process
- Date of commissioning of the system : 2021
Support for the implementation of the project:
- Preparation of the specifications
- Assistance in the examination of offers
- Assistance in negotiating purchase and maintenance contracts
- Monitoring of works
- Monitoring of system performance tests
La Rose Blanche
Feasibility study of a CHP system (3,36 MW)


Feasibility study of a trigeneration system (550 kW)
Technical and economic feasibility study of a trigeneration system in a pharmaceutical plant:
- 1 engine of 550 kW
- 1 absorption machine of 300 kW
- Thermal energy recovered for the production of hot water for the plant process and for the absorption machine
- Date of commissioning of the system : 2017
Support for the implementation of the project:
- Preparation of the specifications
- Assistance in the examination of offers
- Assistance in negotiating purchase and maintenance contracts
- Monitoring of works
- Monitoring of system performance tests
Les Laboratoires TERIAK
Feasibility study of a trigeneration system (550 kW)


Feasibility study of a CHP system (1,2 MW)
Technical and economic feasibility of a CHP system in a confectionery manufacturing plant:
- 1 engine of 1.2 MW
- Thermal energy recovered for the production of steam and hot water for the plant process
- Date of commissioning of the system : 2021
Support to the implementation of the project:
- Preparation of the specifications
- Assistance in the examination of offers
- Assistance in negotiating purchase and maintenance contracts
- Monitoring of works
- Monitoring of system performance tests
Feasibility study of a CHP system (1,2 MW)


Feasibility study of a WHR system (8 MW)
Technical and economic feasibility study of a Waste Heat Recovery system in a cement plant:
- 1 turbine of 8 MW
- Thermal energy source: Kiln preaheater gas at 400°C and kiln cooler gas at 350°C
- Recovery of the kiln exhaust gases to produce superheated steam generating electricity via a turbo-generator
Selectivity study:
- Connection of the turbine to the STEG network
- Short circuit study
- Network coupling operating mode
- Protection setting
- Decoupling of the turbine
Cimenterie d’Enfidha
Feasibility study of a WHR system (8 MW)


Technical and economic feasibility study of a Terminal Port
Technical and economic feasibility study of Sabra Bay Terminal Port:
- Civil engineering and dock sizing of the Sabra Terminal
- 3D modeling of the EcoPort
- Project cost estimate
Sabra Bay Terminal Port
Technical and economic feasibility study of a Terminal Port


Feasibility study of a cement plant
Technical and economic feasibility study of CMG plant:
The study aimed at:
- Refining strategic choices of the projected cement plant
- Identifying and optimizing the parameters and key assumptions to ensure the sustainability of the project
- Develop several scenarios of the expected profitability depending on the changes in key parameters and on the changes in specific assumptions of the project
- Refine the relevance of the project profitability study, with all its components
- Help to ensure completion of the financing scheme
Les Ciments Méditerranée de Gafsa (CMG)
Feasibility study of a cement plant

Water and Infrastructure

Study of a waste water treatment plant
Study of the wastewater treatment plant, design and choice of the treatment process:
The Soda manufacturing Company (SNB), located in Mornag in Tunisia, has entrusted TESCO the study and the technical assistance for the installation of a wastewater treatment plant for industrial wastewater generated by the production process of soft drinks. The study aims at identifying the most effective and most economical solutions to ensure adequate treatment, in compliance with environmental standards and meeting customer needs.
The design and sizing of the waste water treatment plant, with a capacity of 1500 m3 /day, are based on primary, secondary and tertiary treatment.
Study of a waste water treatment plant

Environment & Sustainable Development

Master Plan for the management of the WWTP sludges
Master Plan for the management of the WWTP sludges in the center of Tunisia:
The project was realised in partnership with ILF engineering.
- Diagnosis of the state of WWTPs in the central region
- Evaluation of the quantity of sludge produced by the WWTPs
- Estimation of projected quantities
- Identification of the regulatory framework relating to the sludge sector (waste or by-product)
- Proposal for new management regulations for the recovery of sludge
- Sludge qualification
- Proposal of the various appropriate recovery channels (green sector, red sector and black sector)
Funding: KFW
Master Plan for the management of the WWTP sludges

Environment & Sustainable Development

Study on the opportunities of the treatment of hazardous waste
Study on the opportunities of the treatment of hazardous waste:
Development of a database (regulatory, institutional, technical, economic, etc.) on the treatment of hazardous waste in the Maghreb countries (Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria), and identification of opportunities and mechanisms to promote the market development and the attraction of potential investors.
- Industry sector overview
- Hazardous waste deposit
- Hazardous waste management policy
- Current management of hazardous waste Investment opportunities in the hazardous waste sector:
- General investment framework
- Economic and fiscal instruments
- Investment opportunities
- Case studies (used oils, pharmaceutical waste, collection of polluted transformers)
Funding : European Union
Study on the opportunities of the treatment of hazardous waste

Environment & Sustainable Development

Risk Assessment studies for a Hazardous Waste Treatment Center
Studies required for opening the hazardous waste treatment center “Jradou”:
- Risk Assessment Study
- Internal Operation Plan
- Safety study
Study of the evaluation of the security state of the center:
- Identification of the regulatory framework related to safety and elaboration of a check-list to assess the state of the existing equipment
GKW Consult – ANGED
Risk Assessment studies for a Hazardous Waste Treatment Center

Environment & Sustainable Development

EHSIA studies of Nawara Development Project
Environmental, Health and Social Impact Assessment of:
- The South Tunisia Gas Project:
- Construction of a gas pipeline (diameter 24’’) over 375 km (Tataouine; Kébili; Médenine; and Gabes)
- Gas Treatment plant (Gabes)
- The Buy Back Gas and condensate pipelines at Gabes
- Funding : AfdB , FDA, OMV
OMV Tunisia
EHSIA studies of Nawara Development Project

Environment & Sustainable Development

ESHIA studies of desalination plants
Environmental, Health and Social impact assessment of the following desalination plants:
- 2,000 m3/day (Ben Guerdane)
- 1,400 m3/day (Matmata)
- 1,000 m3/day (Belkhir)
ESHIA studies of desalination plants


Feasibility study of a CHP system (4 MW)
Technical and economic feasibility study of a CHP system in a beer manufacturing plant:
- 2 engines of 2 MW each
- Thermal energy recovered for the production of hot water for the plant process
- Date of commissioning of the system : 2020
Support for the implementation of the project:
- Preparation of the specifications
- Assistance in the examination of offers
- Assistance in negotiating purchase and maintenance contracts
- Monitoring of works
- Monitoring of system performance tests
Feasibility study of a CHP system (4 MW)


Feasibility study of a trigeneration system (500 kW)
Technical and economic feasibility study of a trigeneration system in a hotel:
- 2 engine of 250 kW
- 1 absorption machine of 480 kW
- Thermal energy recovered for the production of hot water for heating during winter and supplying the absorption machine for air conditioning during summer
- Date of commissioning of the system : 2015
Support for the implementation of the project:
- Preparation of the specifications
- Assistance in the examination of offers
- Assistance in negotiating purchase and maintenance contracts
- Monitoring of works
- Monitoring of system performance tests
Hotel The Residence
Feasibility study of a trigeneration system (500 kW)


Feasibility study of a quadrigeneration system (6MW)
Technical and economic feasibility study of a quadrigeneration system in a Tomato Greenhouses plant:
- 2 engine of 3 MW each producing electricity to supply the plant
- Thermal energy recovered for the production of hot water for heating the greenhouses during winter
- Recovery of engines exhaust for CO2 production in greenhouses
Desert Joy
Feasibility study of a quadrigeneration system (6MW)


Implementation of photovoltaic power plants
Technical and economic feasibility study of PV power stations for various plants:
- Study of the instantaneous and average electrical profiles of the plant
- Study of the site’s sunshine
- Sizing of the photovoltaic plant
- Study of the orientation and inclination of photovoltaic modules
- Energy balances
- Economic profitability study
Electrical Connection and selectivity studies of the PV power stations:
- Protection studies
- Studies for the wave quality
- Power flow studies
- Short-circuit studies
- LVRT or HVRT type dynamic studies
BUTAGAZ, Ritun, Desert Joy, CNI
Implementation of photovoltaic power plants


Market study of potential Energy projects
Market study related to the assessment of potential Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies projects in Tunisia:
- Evaluating the potential in energy efficiency and carbon market in Tunisia
- Identifying investment barriers for these projects
- Proposing recommendations or solutions to overcome these barriers in institutional, regulatory, financial sectors, etc…
- Identification of opportunities to promote financing mechanisms in industrial, infrastructure, commercial, financial and residential sectors. The study was developed based on the various meetings with the main relevant Tunisian key institutions such as DGE, ANME, UTICA, GIZ, API, STEG, etc., as well as various banks such as the EIB, WB, AfDB
Market study of potential Energy projects

Water and Infrastructure

Study and Technical assistance for the implementation of desalination plants
Study and Technical assistance for the implementation of 10 desalination plants in the South of TUNISIA in partnership with FICHTNER WT:
- Feasibility studies
- Preparation of tender documents
- Selection of offers
- Support for installation and commissioning of equipment
- Training of the SONEDE staff
Station of Tozeur 8000 m3/d
Station of Nafta 6000 m3/d
Station of Hezoua 1200 m3/d
Station of Kebili 6000 m3/d
Station of Souk Lahad 4000 m3/d
Station of Douz 4000 m3/d
Station of Matmata 4000 m3/d
Station of Mareth 4000 m3/d
Station of Béni Khédache 800 m3/d
Station of Belkhir 1600 m3/d
Project cost: 30 Millions d’Euros
Funding: KFW
Study and Technical assistance for the implementation of desalination plants

Water and Infrastructure

Study of a waste water treatment plant
Study of the wastewater treatment plant, design and choice of the treatment process:
With a view to renewing its support to the Principles of the World Pact and to align its targets in order to ensure a significant contribution to Sustainable Development Program to the time horizon 2030, the Company SFBT has implemented an anaerobic type waste water treatment, on one hand to comply with the Environmental standards in force, and on the other hand to make good use of its releases by producing biogas f or the production of clean energy.
It is indeed an innovation in Tunisia and a successful pilot project, which design study and assistance were provided by TESCO.
Capacity : 2000 m3/day.
Study of a waste water treatment plant

Environment & Sustainable Development

Pollution study of a salt production site
Pollution study of Cotusal Zarzis site: production of salt from Sebkhat El Melah:
- Inventory and characterize the main sources of pollution generated by the salt production
- Assess the environmental risks caused by these sources of pollution
- Proposal of management methods for the various solid discharges and liquids
Pollution study of a salt production site

Environment & Sustainable Development

Study on the environmental situation in the Maghreb countries
Study on the environmental situation in the Maghreb countries:
- Define information needs and list existing sources of information
- Identify missing information
- Identify the studies already carried out with donors and public and private institutions concerning REACH in the Maghreb countries or in relation to the Maghreb countries
- Identify the sectors affected by REACH
- Analysis of the data collected:
- To what degree these sectors are affected by REACH
- What are the sectoral federations linked to the sectors analyzed and what is their Level of knowledge of REACH?
- How many companies per sector are affected by REACH
- What is the preparedness of federations, companies and public institutions toward REACH
Funding : GIZ
Study on the environmental situation in the Maghreb countries

Environment & Sustainable Development

Risk Assessment studies for a bioethanol production plant
Internal Operation Plan of the plant:
- Warning diagram / action to be taken
- Internal plan: assembly points, emergency exits, release points reception points
- External geographic location
- Risk Assessment
Safety Study of the plant:
- Smoke extraction
- Portable and mobile fire extinguishers
- Fire extinguishing water
- Emergency lighting
- Fire detection
- Lightning prevention
2G bioethanol
Risk Assessment studies for a bioethanol production plant


Feasibility study of a CHP system (3,36 MW)
Technical and economic feasibility study of a CHP system in a Pasta manufacturing plant:
- 1 engine of 3.36 MW
- Thermal energy recovered for the production of hot water at 80°C and steam for the plant process
- Date of commissioning of the system : 2021
Support for the implementation of the project:
- Preparation of the specifications
- Assistance in the examination of offers
- Assistance in negotiating purchase and maintenance contracts
- Monitoring of works
- Monitoring of system performance tests
La Rose Blanche
Feasibility study of a CHP system (3,36 MW)


Feasibility study of a trigeneration system (550 kW)
Technical and economic feasibility study of a trigeneration system in a pharmaceutical plant:
- 1 engine of 550 kW
- 1 absorption machine of 300 kW
- Thermal energy recovered for the production of hot water for the plant process and for the absorption machine
- Date of commissioning of the system : 2017
Support for the implementation of the project:
- Preparation of the specifications
- Assistance in the examination of offers
- Assistance in negotiating purchase and maintenance contracts
- Monitoring of works
- Monitoring of system performance tests
Les Laboratoires TERIAK
Feasibility study of a trigeneration system (550 kW)


Feasibility study of a quadrigeneration system (6MW)
Technical and economic feasibility study of a quadrigeneration system in a Tomato Greenhouses plant:
- 2 engine of 3 MW each producing electricity to supply the plant
- Thermal energy recovered for the production of hot water for heating the greenhouses during winter
- Recovery of engines exhaust for CO2 production in greenhouses
Desert Joy
Feasibility study of a quadrigeneration system (6MW)


Implementation of photovoltaic power plants
Technical and economic feasibility study of PV power stations for various plants:
- Study of the instantaneous and average electrical profiles of the plant
- Study of the site’s sunshine
- Sizing of the photovoltaic plant
- Study of the orientation and inclination of photovoltaic modules
- Energy balances
- Economic profitability study
Electrical Connection and selectivity studies of the PV power stations:
- Protection studies
- Studies for the wave quality
- Power flow studies
- Short-circuit studies
- LVRT or HVRT type dynamic studies
BUTAGAZ, Ritun, Desert Joy, CNI
Implementation of photovoltaic power plants


Feasibility study of a CHP system (4 MW)
Technical and economic feasibility study of a CHP system in a beer manufacturing plant:
- 2 engines of 2 MW each
- Thermal energy recovered for the production of hot water for the plant process
- Date of commissioning of the system : 2020
Support for the implementation of the project:
- Preparation of the specifications
- Assistance in the examination of offers
- Assistance in negotiating purchase and maintenance contracts
- Monitoring of works
- Monitoring of system performance tests
Feasibility study of a CHP system (4 MW)


Feasibility study of a trigeneration system (500 kW)
Technical and economic feasibility study of a trigeneration system in a hotel:
- 2 engine of 250 kW
- 1 absorption machine of 480 kW
- Thermal energy recovered for the production of hot water for heating during winter and supplying the absorption machine for air conditioning during summer
- Date of commissioning of the system : 2015
Support for the implementation of the project:
- Preparation of the specifications
- Assistance in the examination of offers
- Assistance in negotiating purchase and maintenance contracts
- Monitoring of works
- Monitoring of system performance tests
Hotel The Residence
Feasibility study of a trigeneration system (500 kW)


Feasibility study of a WHR system (9 MW)
Technical and economic feasibility study of a Waste Heat Recovery system in a cement plant:
- 1 turbine of 9 MW
- Thermal energy source: Kiln preaheater gas at 400°Cand kiln cooler gas at 350°C
- Recovery of the kiln exhaust gases to produce superheated steam generating electricity via a turbo-generator
- Date of commissioning of the system : 2017
Jebel Oust Cement plant (CJO)
Feasibility study of a WHR system (9 MW)


Waste to Energy
Technical and economic feasibility study of the recovery of the biogas produced by the anaerobic biological wastewater treatment plant for the production of electricity and heat:
- Engine electrical power: 400 kW supplying the WWTP in priority
- Biogas produced : 4200 m3/day
- Therrmal power: 403 kW used to heat industrial wastewater before the anaerobic digestion process
- Date of commissioning of the system: 2017
Waste to Energy


Feasibility study of a CHP system (6 MW)
Technical and economic feasibility study of a CHP system in a Milk and yogurt production plant
- 2 engines of 2 MW each in the milk production plant
- 1 engine of 2 MW in the yogurt production plant
- Thermal energy recovered for the production of hot water for the plant process
- Date of commissioning of the system : 2020
Support for the implementation of the project:
- Preparation of the specifications
- Assistance in the examination of offers
- Assistance in negotiating purchase and maintenance contracts
- Monitoring of works
- Monitoring of system performance tests
Délice Danone
Feasibility study of a CHP system (6 MW)


Feasibility study of a CHP system (1,2 MW)
Technical and economic feasibility of a CHP system in a confectionery manufacturing plant:
- 1 engine of 1.2 MW
- Thermal energy recovered for the production of steam and hot water for the plant process
- Date of commissioning of the system : 2021
Support to the implementation of the project:
- Preparation of the specifications
- Assistance in the examination of offers
- Assistance in negotiating purchase and maintenance contracts
- Monitoring of works
- Monitoring of system performance tests
Feasibility study of a CHP system (1,2 MW)


Feasibility study of a WHR system (8 MW)
Technical and economic feasibility study of a Waste Heat Recovery system in a cement plant:
- 1 turbine of 8 MW
- Thermal energy source: Kiln preaheater gas at 400°C and kiln cooler gas at 350°C
- Recovery of the kiln exhaust gases to produce superheated steam generating electricity via a turbo-generator
Selectivity study:
- Connection of the turbine to the STEG network
- Short circuit study
- Network coupling operating mode
- Protection setting
- Decoupling of the turbine
Cimenterie d’Enfidha
Feasibility study of a WHR system (8 MW)

Environment & Sustainable Development

EIA study of dredging works related to a terminal port
Environment Impact Assessment study of the dredging works related to Sabra terminal port:
The study has evaluated the impact of dredging works on the marine environment and proposed an environmental managing program to avoid and/ or mitigate negative impacts:
- Characterization of the initial state of Sabra Bay
- Assessment of the potential impacts of dredging
- Assessment of potential impacts related to the terminal
- Proposal of adequate mitigation measures to reduce potential negative impacts
- Environmental management program and environmental monitoring program
Beja Cement- EcoPort Sabra- Solar Street Lights International Tunisia
EIA study of dredging works related to a terminal port

Environment & Sustainable Development

EHSIA studies of Tataouine Gas Project
Environmental, Health and Social Impact Assessment of:
- The Construction of a gas pipeline
- The Construction of Gas Treatment Plant
- The Construction of bottling unit
- Funding: FAD, ETAP
Entreprise Tunisienne des Activités Pétrolières (ETAP)
EHSIA studies of Tataouine Gas Project

Environment & Sustainable Development

ESHIA studies of PV and wind power plants
Environmental, Health and Social impact assessment of the following power plants:
- PV power plant (5 MW) in Sidi Bouzid
- PV power plant (5 MW) in Nefta
- Wind power plants (200 MW) in Beja, Bizerte, Mannouba, and Siliana
STEG Energies Renouvelables
ESHIA studies of PV and wind power plants

Environment & Sustainable Development

Pollution study of a salt production site
Pollution study of Cotusal Zarzis site: production of salt from Sebkhat El Melah:
- Inventory and characterize the main sources of pollution generated by the salt production
- Assess the environmental risks caused by these sources of pollution
- Proposal of management methods for the various solid discharges and liquids
Pollution study of a salt production site

Environment & Sustainable Development

Study on the environmental situation in the Maghreb countries
Study on the environmental situation in the Maghreb countries:
- Define information needs and list existing sources of information
- Identify missing information
- Identify the studies already carried out with donors and public and private institutions concerning REACH in the Maghreb countries or in relation to the Maghreb countries
- Identify the sectors affected by REACH
- Analysis of the data collected:
- To what degree these sectors are affected by REACH
- What are the sectoral federations linked to the sectors analyzed and what is their Level of knowledge of REACH?
- How many companies per sector are affected by REACH
- What is the preparedness of federations, companies and public institutions toward REACH
Funding : GIZ
Study on the environmental situation in the Maghreb countries

Environment & Sustainable Development

Risk Assessment studies for a bioethanol production plant
Internal Operation Plan of the plant:
- Warning diagram / action to be taken
- Internal plan: assembly points, emergency exits, release points reception points
- External geographic location
- Risk Assessment
Safety Study of the plant:
- Smoke extraction
- Portable and mobile fire extinguishers
- Fire extinguishing water
- Emergency lighting
- Fire detection
- Lightning prevention
2G bioethanol
Risk Assessment studies for a bioethanol production plant

Environment & Sustainable Development

EIA studies of Beja Cement Project
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Study of:
- The cement plant
- Limestone and clay quarries
- The Waste Heat Recovery system
- The Photovoltaic power plant
The studies have been elaborated in accordance with national standards.
Impacts have been assessed and measures have been listed to be adopted to avoid negative effects on the natural and human environment.
- Detailed geological study and mapping
- Hydrogeological study using electric tomography
- Aerial photography by drone for photogrammetry
Beja Cement- EcoPort Sabra- Solar Street Lights International Tunisia
EIA studies of Beja Cement Project

Environment & Sustainable Development

ESHIA studies of Carthage Cement Projects
Environmental, Health and Social impact assessment of:
- the cement factory in accordance with the international requirements
- the quarries (Aggregate, marl and clay) over 220 ha
- the transport, unloading, storage and use of Pet-Coke in the Cement factory
Carthage Cement
ESHIA studies of Carthage Cement Projects

Environment & Sustainable Development

ESHIA study of a power plant
Environmental and social impact assessment for the single-shaft combined cycle power plant of Sousse of 450 MW in accordance with the European Investment Bank (EIB):
- Analysis of the initial state of the implantation site
- Impact assessment
- Mitigation measures
- Environmental management program
- Monitoring program
Funding : European Investment Bank
ESHIA study of a power plant

Environment & Sustainable Development

Environmental Assessment guidelines
Environmental Assessment guidelines for the following sectors:
- Oil and gas onshore and offshore exploration and production activities
- Textile
- Agro-industry
- Chemistry
- Ceramic and Construction materials
- Tannery
And this within the framework of the project: Upgrade of the Tunisian Private companies to the environmental requirements:
- Presentation of the Branch
- Production and added-value
- Investments
- Environmental Problems
- Technological Safety and Risks
- Initiation on the GEP (Advantageous Environmental Management)
- Concept “Responsible Environment in the company”
- Check-list
- Economic Incentives
Funding: German Bank for Development (KFW)
Environmental Assessment guidelines

Environment & Sustainable Development

Risk Assessment & Safety Studies for a cement plant
Risk Assessment & Safety Studies for a cement plant:
- Identification of potential hazards inside and outside the site, in normal or degraded operating conditions
- Identification of the risks generated by the installations
- Evaluation of major accidents
- Define the emergency means in case of emergency; as well as their organization
- Obtaining authorization to operate as an establishment classified as dangerous, unhealthy or inconvenient
Carthage Cement
Risk Assessment & Safety Studies for a cement plant

Environment & Sustainable Development

EHSIA studies of Nawara Development Project
Environmental, Health and Social Impact Assessment of:
- The South Tunisia Gas Project :
- Construction of a gas pipeline (diameter 24’’) over 375 km (Tataouine; Kébili; Médenine; and Gabes)
- Gas Treatment plant (Gabes)
- The Buy Back Gas and condensate pipelines at Gabes
- Funding : AfBD, FAD, OMV
OMV Tunisia
EHSIA studies of Nawara Development Project

Environment & Sustainable Development

ESHIA studies of desalination plants
Environmental, Health and Social impact assessment of the following desalination plants:
- 2,000 m3/day (Ben Guerdane)
- 1,400 m3/day (Matmata)
- 1,000 m3/day (Belkhir)
ESHIA studies of desalination plants

Environment & Sustainable Development

Master Plan for the management of the WWTP sludges
Master Plan for the management of the WWTP sludges in the center of Tunisia:
The project was realised in partnership with ILF engineering.
- Diagnosis of the state of WWTPs in the central region
- Evaluation of the quantity of sludge produced by the WWTPs
- Estimation of projected quantities
- Identification of the regulatory framework relating to the sludge sector (waste or by-product)
- Proposal for new management regulations for the recovery of sludge
- Sludge qualification
- Proposal of the various appropriate recovery channels (green sector, red sector and black sector)
Funding: KFW
Master Plan for the management of the WWTP sludges

Environment & Sustainable Development

Study on the opportunities of the treatment of hazardous waste
Study on the opportunities of the treatment of hazardous waste:
Development of a database (regulatory, institutional, technical, economic, etc.) on the treatment of hazardous waste in the Maghreb countries (Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria), and identification of opportunities and mechanisms to promote the market development and the attraction of potential investors.
- Industry sector overview
- Hazardous waste deposit
- Hazardous waste management policy
- Current management of hazardous waste Investment opportunities in the hazardous waste sector:
- General investment framework
- Economic and fiscal instruments
- Investment opportunities
- Case studies (used oils, pharmaceutical waste, collection of polluted transformers)
Funding : European Union
Study on the opportunities of the treatment of hazardous waste

Environment & Sustainable Development

Risk Assessment studies for a Hazardous Waste Treatment Center
Studies required for opening the hazardous waste treatment center “Jradou”:
- Risk Assessment Study
- Internal Operation Plan
- Safety study
Study of the evaluation of the security state of the center:
- Identification of the regulatory framework related to safety and elaboration of a check-list to assess the state of the existing equipment
GKW Consult – ANGED
Risk Assessment studies for a Hazardous Waste Treatment Center

Water and Infrastructure

Study and Technical assistance for the implementation of desalination plants
Study and Technical assistance for the implementation of 10 desalination plants in the South of TUNISIA in partnership with FICHTNER WT:
- Feasibility studies
- Preparation of tender documents
- Selection of offers
- Support for installation and commissioning of equipment
- Training of the SONEDE staff
Station of Tozeur …………..8000 m3/d
Station of Nafta …………….6000 m3/d
Station of Hezoua ………….1200 m3/d
Station of Kebili ……………6000 m3/d
Station of Souk Lahad ……4000 m3/d
Station of Douz …………….4000 m3/d
Station of Matmata ……….4000 m3/d
Station of Mareth ………….4000 m3/d
Station of Béni Khédache ..800 m3/d
Station of Belkhir …………1600 m3/d
Project cost: 30 Millions d’Euros
Funding: KFW
Study and Technical assistance for the implementation of desalination plants

Water and Infrastructure

Study of a waste water treatment plant
Study of the wastewater treatment plant, design and choice of the treatment process:
With a view to renewing its support to the Principles of the World Pact and to align its targets in order to ensure a significant contribution to Sustainable Development Program to the time horizon 2030, the Company SFBT has implemented an anaerobic waste water treatment plant, on one hand to comply with the Environmental standards in force, and on the other hand to make good use of its releases by producing biogas f or the production of clean energy.
It is indeed an innovation in Tunisia and a successful pilot project, which design study and assistance were provided by TESCO.
Capacity : 2000 m3/day.
Study of a WWTP of a beer manufacturing plant

Water and Infrastructure

Technical study of the industrial wastewater treatment in Tunisia
Technical study for the water sanitation of industrial zones in Tunisia:
ONAS entrusted TESCO, in consortium with the German engineering firm FICHTNER, a cleaning mission of eleven existing and planned industrial areas in the governorates of Sfax, Sousse, Monastir, Bizerta and Beja.
As part of this mission, the following steps were carried out:
– A diagnosis of the current status of existing infrastructure
– A measurement campaign for the quantity and quality of waste water generated by industrial units
– Assessment of the condition and the efficiency of water treatment facilities
– The development of technical, legal and economic scenarios for better drainage, treatment and disposal of industrial waste.
The project was successfully achieved and appreciated by ONAS and KfW donor.
Industrial wastewater treatment in Tunisia

Water and Infrastructure

Study of a waste water treatment plant
Study of the wastewater treatment plant, design and choice of the treatment process:
The Soda manufacturing Company (SNB), located in Mornag in Tunisia, has entrusted TESCO the study and the technical assistance for the installation of a wastewater treatment plant for industrial wastewater generated by the production process of soft drinks. The study aims at identifying the most effective and most economical solutions to ensure adequate treatment, in compliance with environmental standards and meeting customer needs.
The design and sizing of the waste water treatment plant, with a capacity of 1500 m3 /day, are based on primary, secondary and tertiary treatment.
Study of a WWTP of a soda manufacturing plant


Technical and economic feasibility study of a cement plant
Technical and economic feasibility study of BEJA cement plant:
CThe choice of the cement plant location has been made basing on technical, economic and natural parameters. Several locations have been studied and Beja was chosen finally since it has shown great criteria to welcome the project.
Technical and economic feasibility study of a cement plant


Market study of Renewable Energies
Market study of the development of renewable energies markets in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean (SEMED) regions:
TESCO has developed on behalf of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) a study aiming at promoting the development of renewable energies markets in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean (SEMED) regions. Four countries were concerned by this study, namely Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia. TESCO has elaborated the study related to Tunisia.
The objectives of this study are:
- The identification of regulatory and institutional gaps representing barriers for the development of renewable energies markets
- Providing in the short and medium term an orientation leading to the improvement of these in the context of the national model and the goals to reach
- Presentation of the results of gaps analysis in order to encourage private investors to invest in renewable energies projects and deciders to adopt the best practices in SEMED regions
Market study of Renewable Energies


Technical and economic feasibility study of a Terminal Port
Technical and economic feasibility study of Sabra Bay Terminal Port:
- Civil engineering and dock sizing of the Sabra Terminal
- 3D modeling of the EcoPort
Sabra Bay Terminal Port
Technical and economic feasibility study of a Terminal Port


Feasibility study of a cement plant
Technical and economic feasibility study of CMG plant:
The study aimed at:
- Refining strategic choices of the projected cement plant
- Identifying and optimizing the parameters and key assumptions to ensure the sustainability of the project
- Develop several scenarios of the expected profitability depending on the changes in key parameters and on the changes in specific assumptions of the project
- Refine the relevance of the project profitability study, with all its components
- Help to ensure completion of the financing scheme
Les Ciments Méditerranée de Gafsa (CMG)
Feasibility study of a cement plant


Market study of potential Energy projects
Market study related to the assessment of potential Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies projects in Tunisia:
- Evaluating the potential in energy efficiency and carbon market in Tunisia
- Identifying investment barriers for these projects
- Proposing recommendations or solutions to overcome these barriers in institutional, regulatory, financial sectors, etc…
- Identification of opportunities to promote financing mechanisms in industrial, infrastructure, commercial, financial and residential sectors. The study was developed based on the various meetings with the main relevant Tunisian key institutions such as DGE, ANME, UTICA, GIZ, API, STEG, etc., as well as various banks such as the EIB, WB, AfDB
Market study of potential Energy projects